Insights Report - Hours by Work Code

Why Estimate Rocket?

Estimate Rocket has some of the most advanced reporting in the service contractor software space.

As a service contractor you ideally would have immediate access to all your business numbers like sales, closing ratio, employee accountability, work progress (budgeted hours vs actual hours) and profitability. 
Many businesses will focus on sales reports and be proud of the sales number for a given month. Taking into account the project expenses and monthly profitability can also be a key indicator of cash flow and overall business health.

The Estimate Rocket reports give you intelligent analytics for your business.

Insights - Hours by Work Code

The insights hours by work code report is a bar graph that displays the recorded work hours by employees during the date range period and splits that by work code. 

When used in conjunction with some of the profitability reports the hours by work code can be a powerful indicator that certain types of work drive the profitability of the service contracting organization.

Work codes are configured in the Settings > Work Code area and the work codes here do control what appears on the bottom axis of the report. 
Obviously you need to have employees clocking in Estimate Rocket to get meaningful data from this report.  
Hours added through the expense portion of a project DO NOT appear on this report.

There is a hover feature that will display the total hours and work code name if the cursor is placed on the bar section. 

The output here is based on the worked hours being in the date range represented in the report and having been punched with a specific work code. If the employee punch was not against any work code the code of NONE will display on this report.


Important Account Settings

There are 3 place for key settings with regard to the hours by work code report:

  1. Settings > Time Tracking Work Codes
    1. This is where the work codes are added for use by the employees who clock in and out using Estimate Rocket (worked hours by work code)

Understanding the Hours by Work Code Report


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Insights Report - Hours by Work Code

Insights Report - Estimated vs Actual Hours

Insights Report - Accepted Hours by Estimator


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