The Critical Role of Job Costing in the Home Improvement Contracting Business

Job costing is the process of keeping detailed records of project expenses. This is important to help you keep touch with cash flow to make sure your business is health.

Budgeting Hours and Materials in any project

The starting point to make you successful in this area is establish an estimated budget for the project. This can be done by you directly adding your expected time and materials or letting the production rate based items calculate the time and material for you.

Tracking Employee Punched Hours

One of the types of expenses are tracked hours, these are hours that your employees punch against any given project.


Track Expense Hours and Materials

Materials and expensed hours can also be added to keep the job costing on track.

Work Progress Reporting Gives a Quick Overview of Project 

Estimated and remaining hours can be be quickly seen from the report with more details on progress directly in the project detail in the profitability section.

Project Detail gives a detailed look at the progress and up-to-date profitability

Critical Role of Job Costing Video


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The Critical Role of Job Costing In the Home Improvement Contracting Business

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