How to Accept Electronic Payments using Estimate Rocket

In today's digital landscape it is more important than ever for homeowners to have the electronic means to pay contractors for projects. 

Common payment methods can be card payments and ACH payments and each come with a fee.

Now more and more states are allowing the convenience fee of an electronic payment to be legally passed on to the client that it makes sense to take advantage of the electronic payments.

Main Benefits for Taking Electronic Payments

  • Improve Convenience and Customer Satisfaction
  • Streamline Cash Flow and Receive Timely Payments
  • Get Financial Management and Reporting
  • Boost Trust and Professionalism
  • Increase Sales and Expand Your Customer Base


Enabling Electronic Payments in Estimate Rocket

From the settings menu in Estimate Rocket select the payment processing option.

This will navigate you to the payment processing screen

Select the Connect with Stripe button and follow the prompts to create a Stripe account or login to your existing Stripe account.


Once the payment processing is enabled your client will see the electronic payment options on their Estimate Rocket invoices in the customer portal.

Client View of Payment Options

Once the electronic payments are enabled the client will see a payment form with payment options on their electronic invoice. In this case the client can pay directly via card payment or setup a US Bank account. There are also some financing options seen here which are currently being developed. 

Electronic Payments are Automatically Recorded in Estimate Rocket

Electronic payments are automatically recorded in Estimate Rocket and a link back to the payment in Stripe is provided in the transaction.

Accept Electronic Payments and Improve Cash Flow


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