Mastering Crew Management: Essential Strategies for Contractors to keep their Business Thriving

Effectively managing your employees and crews can significantly improve the overall performance of your organization. Because your employees are the most important resource in your organization it is important to properly manage that resource.

Clear Work Orders

Putting together an estimate for you client and getting approval is the first and most critical step. Having good work notes and descriptions will help you team understand the scope of work as well.  The seamless transition from an estimate to a work order gives your team a clear scope of work to be able to act with the direction as outlined in the document.



Scheduling it the key to getting your crews to the correct jobs on the correct days. Schedule as employees with helpers or with Crews. The schedule can be viewed either directly in Estimate rocket or as synced to a 3rd party calendar. 

Employee Communications

Project assignments can be used for the initial assignment but assignment notes can also be used to notify your crews of last minute changes.

The employee notifications setting control a notification becoming an SMS alert.

Project Journal

A project journal is essentially the project notes in Estimate Rocket. Add notes and trigger client communications to track the journal entries.

Project Budgeted Hours

As with any good estimate you will walk away with a clear scope of work and an estimated amount of hours. 

That set of estimated hours will server as your project budget and help you schedule and track the work progress.

Time Tracking

Naturally the time tracking will be part of the key towards the work progress. The employees logging time against the project will not only help you see the progress but help you track the ongoing profitability of the project. You will know the project will complete on time. 

Mastering Crew Management to Keep Your Business Thriving


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