Project Related Task To Dos - Complete

Estimate Rocket Project To Dos - Marking as Completed

Project related To Do tasks can be marked as completed by the employee the task is assigned to or by an Employee with admin level permissions such as the project owner or project assigned to employee.  

Marking a To Do task as completed will change how this can be viewed in 2 areas

Completed To Dos Display on Project

On the project screen the To Do section has both an Active and Completed sub tab. Once a To Do is marked as completed it will toggle into the completed sub tab and show at date / time stamp as to when it was completed. Only admin level users can edit a To Do and mark to mark it as active again.

Completed To Dos Display on Schedule

Just like any other schedule item, if something is marked as completed the 'show completed' box will need to be checked to find the completed task. Clicking on the task will either open the task directly or open the project with the task where you will find the completed task under the completed sub tab in the To Do area.

Field User View of and Marking Project Related To Dos as Complete

Other Help Material

To Do Task Overview

How to add a To Do task to an existing project

How the assignment of a To Do task notifies an employee

Viewing a To Do task on the dashboard or schedule

How To Do tasks are marked as completed

Which To Do tasks can be seen by which employees

Editing / Reactivating a To Do task

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