Managing project completed follow ups in Estimate Rocket is simple.
The follow up campaigns can be setup to reach out to your client as the end of the follow up window is approaching. The follow up campaigns can also be configured to email an internal person to follow up via phone or text if you are seeking to reestablish the client connection to leverage a current customer to secure additional work or to get referrals.
Follow ups after the original project has been completed are not always for warranty work. In cases such as decorative concrete for example there may need to be annual sealants that need to be re-applied that will allow the job to last and basic annual maintenance in the case of a chimney sweep that might prompt for the annual cleaning.
Setup the Appropriate Email Templates
Emails on follow up campaigns do not all need to be to your client, some can be to an internal source such as a salesperson or the project owner.
In a circumstance for the free warranty follow up you would definitely want to have an email to your client but you may also have an email sent internally to reestablish the client relationship via phone or text.
These email templates can be used for the different purposes described above:
Setup the Follow Up Campaign
The email templates are then used in a follow up campaign.
Tracking Projects that Have Used the Free Follow Up
Using the hashtag in the internal notes of a project will help isolate the projects that have required a follow up.
This information can be used to evaluate the overall program for usage and to evaluate if you have some supervisor jobs that consistently need follow ups.
Managing Free Follow Ups and Campaign Emails in Estimate Rocket
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