EW This is an overview of the ehnanced Field User experience in Estimate Rocket.
The importance of a project budgeted hours and tracking the worked time against the budgeted time is critical for maintaining an edge and knowing your job progress at any given time. Estimate Rocket is one of the few estimating platforms that offers the direct employee tracking of time against budgeted hours on specific projects on a common platform.
Enhanced Field User Dashboard
Field users now have the ease of texting a client, adding photos and notes and directly clocking against a project directly from their assignment dashboard. Field users still have the punch button at the upper left of the main dashboard.
Old: Field User Dashboard Before Changes

NEW: Field User Dashboard After Changes

Enhanced Field User Project Page
From the main assigned project page the field user will still be able to view the work order directly but also quickly text a client or add photos and notes and even clock against that specific project.
Old: Field User Project Page Before Changes

NEW: Field User Project Page After Changes

Full Enhanced Field User Experience
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Field Users in Estimate Rocket
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