Estimate Rocket Schedule Filters

Estimate Rocket has again improved the overall usage of the Schedule page. Recently the addition of Crews was put into place to help you simplify the schedule page if it you had field user level ‘helpers’ assigned to projects. The typical crew could have a supervisor and as many crew members as were needed to minimize 3-5 entries showing to just a single entry showing on the schedule page.

Now there are additional filters on the schedule page which will make the use even easier.

Schedule Options

The schedule page now has some added options.

  • Show Completed
    • This will work the same as it did in the past
  • Filter by type (new)
    • Work Appt
      • Work orders only
    • Work Appt & To Dos
      • Work orders and any to do on the work order
    • Estimate Appt
      • Estimates only
    • Estimate Appt & To Dos
      • Estimates and any to do on an estimate
    • Project Todo
      • Only the To Dos from projects
    • Non-Project To Dos
      • These are assignments or tasks added directly to the schedule (with no associated project) such as a Staff Meeting.
  • Show Assigned as Helper
    • This will work the same as it did in the pase
  • Hide Weekends (new)
    • You now have the ability to hide Saturday and Sunday from the schedule display
  • Employee Filter (new)
    • Add and edit filters with specific employees only
      • This will allow to quickly access the subset of employees by enabling the filter and works similarly to the show  / hide employees but now with groups for quicker response
  • Employees
    • This works the same as it did in the past but has been renamed
  • Pending Schedule
    • Now has filters to show only estimates and only work orders
    • Still has the filter / search function as it did in the past. 

Employee Filter Setup

The employee filter works similarly to how the Crews work. Each filter is named and defined and employees are added. Using this filter on the schedule page will allow you to quickly see a specific set of employees without the need to check the individual boxes in the Employee & Crew filter area.

Employee Filter Usage

Using this filter on the schedule page will allow you to quickly see a specific set of employees without the need to check the individual boxes in the Employee & Crew filter area. The configured employee filter essentially does the checking for you.

Filter by Type

This explains itself pretty well but here is more detail.

Currently there are 4 ‘types’ of events that appear on the schedule page:

  1. Estimate Pending Completion (currently scheduled estimate)
  2. Work Order Pending Completion (currently scheduled work order)
  3. To - Dos from projects
  4. To - Dos that are not from projects (a task setup directly in the schedule also called a non-project task)

The type filters will allow you to view only specific types or combination of types on the calendar page.  
Checking the box will activate the drop down allowing you to choose your filter.

Hide Weekends

This toggle with hide weekends on the week, month and 6 week views. In the day view your forward and back toggle will not force you through weekend days.


Renamed from Employee & Crews. Same functionality but slightly different interface. Now a clear button will clear all employees and crews and the show all will show all employees and crews.

Pending Schedule Area

By default shows all estimates and work orders that are pending schedule but now there is a filter to eliminate one or the other. The filter / search option remains the same. 

Streamline Your Schedule Use with Filters



Crew Overview and Usage

Crew Setup / Management

Crew Assignment

Crew  Notifications

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