Using AI in Email Templates

When creating an email template with Estimate Rocket you now have the ability to use AI to help you write the body of your email. Any circumstance from giving a Lead more information about your company, through using convincing language for them to accept a proposal and finally asking for a project review and even a referral for additional work.

Launching the AI Assistant in the edit email template

To incorporate the AI Assistant language launch the assistant and provide some information before clicking the generate button to update the body of the email.


Assistant Inputs

  • Document Type
    • New lead - Ask for appointment
    • Schedule Estimate - Ask for appointment
    • Confirm appointment set
    • Completed proposal
    • Follow up did you receive proposal
    • Follow up on proposal not accepted
    • Ask nicely for customer to accept proposal
    • Ask more nicely for customer to accept proposal
    • Proposal accepted thank you
    • Completed proposal
    • Follow up did you receive change order
    • Schedule work appointment
    • Work scheduled appointment confirmation
    • Work completed confirmation
    • Invoice
    • Invoice not paid
    • Invoice paid receipt
    • Thank you for your business
    • Please give us a referral
  • Work / Services being offered (required)
    • Fill in your work being offered
  • To: client first name
    • Client only current choice
  • Who is a (an)
    • Potential customer
    • Existing customer
  • Word Limit:
    • 100
    • 200
    • 300
  • Style / Tone:
    • Conversational
    • Casual
    • Professional
    • Encouraging
    • Descriptive
    • Serious 
  • Additional details
    • Add any additional details you would like included

Once your key values have been entered click the Generate button to update the verbiage in the body of the email template. 

AI can make mistakes, please be sure to review the entire body of the email to make sure the wording is to your liking.

Save the email template as needed for use in your follow up campaigns and your manual email sending.

Assistant Usage and Goal

The assistant is here to help you polish the email body for any of your regular emails before sending those out or attaching the email template to a follow up campaign

AI Assistant Overview Video



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