Project Related Task To Dos - Schedule

Estimate Rocket Project To Dos - Viewing on the Schedule or Dashboard

Schedule Display

Project related To Do tasks display on the schedule just like any other assignment.  

A click on the specific project related To Do task on the schedule will allow for that task to be marked as complete, dates to be changed and even the assigned to employee to be changed. 

Project related To Dos can also be dragged and dropped just like assignments to switch up the dates.

The employee will get a notification under the notification bell at the upper right and if configured under Employee Notifications they will also get a text message alert.

Dashboard Display

On the dashboard the project related To Dos display in the different tabs based on the due date of the To Do. On the late tab if the To Do was due in the past and the future tab if it is due in the future. 

On the dashboard project related To Dos display slightly differently than a full project. A full project will show a project status such as Estimate Pending Complete or Work Order Pending completion. A click on any of the link will still take the user into the project that contains that To Do task. 

Viewing Project Related To Dos on the Schedule or Dashboard

Other Help Material

To Do Task Overview

How to add a To Do task to an existing project

How the assignment of a To Do task notifies an employee

Viewing a To Do task on the dashboard or schedule

How To Do tasks are marked as completed

Which To Do tasks can be seen by which employees

Editing / Reactivating a To Do task

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